Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Critiquing advertisements - it's all about the Target

After reading the advertising critiques for my online 4650 class,  I noticed that when critiquing an ad it is easy to do it from your own point-of-view (pov), but what we should do is examine the ad from the target market's pov.  This can be very difficult at times - and is one of the hurdles of advertising.  You may end up designing an ad for a target market that is 180° different from you.  That is why whenever possible it's a good thing to have your target market look at and critique your ads.

In regard to the assignment, I want to review a few key terms in advertising that have specific definitions in that context.  

Positioning - this term means how is the product 'positioned' in the mind of the consumer to set it apart from the competition.  There are several different positioning strategies that can be utilized:  product attribute & benefits, price/quality, use or application, product class, product user, competitor, and cultural symbol.

Appeals - now, I know this sounds like "how appealing was the ad to you?" but it isn't about that.  It's about the message structure of the ad.  How are you attracting the attention of your target market?  Appeals can be placed in one of three basic categories: emotional, rational or a combination of the two.  There are also a couple specific appeals talked about in our book: comparative, fear, and humor.  How is the ad appealing to the consumer - is the question you should ask yourself when evaluating an advertisement.   

Advertising execution - how are you going to present or execute the appeal?  Execution is about the manner in which you construct the ad.  Your textbook suggests several different execution styles: straight sell, scientific/technical evidence, demonstration, comparison, testimonial, slice of life, animation, personality symbol, imagery, dramatization, humor, and combinations of these.

Campaign theme - the central message or idea.  What are you trying to get across to the target market?  What ties all the parts of your IMC together - this is the campaign themes central focus.

Now, let's look at some of the advertisements from the assignment.

Smart Car:
I will admit, that I personally like this ad a lot.  I think it is clever and gets its message across in a creative and indirect way, but let's look at it from the target market's pov.  Speaking of the target market - who is it?  Given that smart cars are under $20k, I don't think they are targeting people who are Mercedes buyers.  I think their target market is younger, educated, lower-middle income who strive to drive a quality car like Mercedes.  Their target market probably includes recent college graduates and college students as well as 'green' consumers.

The appeal here is a combination - emotional/rational - emotional because of the humor of the 'lightbulb' car and the indirect headline but it is also rational because of the appeal to the quality of the Mercedes brand.  Positioning is based on attributes and price/quality (getting Mercedes quality for dime-store pricing).  The execution both humor and imagery.  

I do believe for the target market the ad is effect - humor is a good appeal and execution to use for this market and the indirect headline also fits well with an educated consumer base.  What I would be concerned about is Mercedes owners who are exposed to this ad and how it will impact their feelings about Mercedes.

Perhaps the best thing about the Corona ads is the campaign theme and its consistency across multiple platforms and over time.  Corona has been successful, imho, of positioning the product according to use/application - the beach!  The television ads that we examined earlier in the semester point to them now taking this idea a step further - for when you need to 'feel like' you are at the beach.  Ultimately, Corona is our beach escape - with or without sand (or it would be if I drank beer...but you get the idea).

Visually, I think the ad is done nicely with the elements of the beach - boardwalk, beach, surf, palm trees all present and accounted for.  Also, the copy refers to the beach and the lifestyle of the target market.

Surprisingly, this ad created the most polarizing views among those who critiqued it.  Where we need to start is - who is the target market?  This set of ads was targeted toward older consumers and placed accordingly in 'adult (older audience not naughty)' publications like Vanity Fair.  From my pov - I liked the visualization and photography in the ad, but let's look at the more broad target market. 

The appeal is emotional and the execution is imagery.  There is little to no text and they are expecting their target audience to know that the ad is for Disney without many cues in the ad itself.  The imagery itself is telling the story of Cinderella, but perhaps a touch on the dark side - even for adults.

Also, it was mentioned in the critiques how this ad can evoke the idea that the Cinderella story we were told as children (particularly little girls) is not necessarily one that is able to come true.  With an older target market, this is very possible - that instead of capturing the fun of Disney the ad instead captures the disappointment of unfulfilled fairy tales.

People often think of Disney as a place for kids or people with kids, but they also target young adults, seniors and others in the 35-60 bracket.  The food and wine festival is a good example of an event that is targeted toward adults.  I think they were trying to hit this older target - but maybe a bit too 'artsy' to be effective. 

Note: There is a whole series of ads done like this and from a photography/art pov they are pretty cool.

In most cases, this ad was not critiqued from the target market's pov.  In this ad for a Canon EOS 40D, the target market is not the average person, it is a camera enthusiast who is thinking of upgrading their camera to something more 'pro' like.  Obviously, this ad would be in popular photography magazines - those that target the amateur photographer and not the pro.  Given that it is placed in the right media vehicle, it could be very effective.  This ad is using an emotional/ration appeal with a humor and imagery execution.

The text in the ad is what points to the target market - it is in a language that they are learning to speak, and Canon is letting them know that if they get it - then they are ready for the EOS.  It's a great example of writing copy that makes sense for your target but not many others.  Where I think this ad fails is in the imagery - the photo used in the background.  It isn't as evocative as I think the target market would like - it should be something that makes them think, "Canon can help me capture that," but the setting just isn't good enough.

The campaign theme is - you know when you're ready - and they have given you the test of understanding the headline to see if you are.  I liked it, but I'm curious to know how they executed it in different media before I could say if it was an overall effective campaign.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Project Podcast

I've uploaded a walk-through of the project into the learning module for the project.  I cover such things as:
  • What's expected in the PPT due on the 17th.
  • Why you are turning in a proposal - feedback from the client and myself
  • What sections of the paper have been modified or dropped because of the nature of our client (also included in the Project doc entitled: Start Here....)
  • How materials will be turned in for grading.
  • Details about the client
  • Highlights from Beverly Maddox's conversation with my in-person class
  • Availability of photography services if needed of the clinic
If you have additional questions or comments, please, don't hesitate to contact me.  I look forward to reading your advertising critiques as well as seeing your proposals on the 17th.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Print Ads to Critique

If you are in my MKTG 4650 on-line class, this blog post is to put the print ads for your critique posts in one easily accessible place.

Commercials for Ad Critiques

If you are in my on-line MKTG4650 class, then this entry is for you!

I could not find a way to embed videos in a GaView post, so I am putting the commercials here for your viewing pleasure.

All publicity is... it depends

We had some great discussion posts in my 4650, Advertising, on-line class about whether or not all publicity was good - regardless of whether it was negative or positive.  I wanted to discuss a few of the topics that were brought up further.

Herman Cain's Chief of Staff smoking a cigarette
This one cigarette has generated a fair amount of discussion and negative publicity for this ad, and possibly for Cain's campaign as a whole.  The Chief of Staff could've been thrown under the bus for this one easily, but part of the problem is it also brought to light Cain's activities while part of the National Restaurant Association (As Top Restaurant Industry Lobbyist, Herman Cain Partnered With Big Tobacco To Promote Indoor Smoking )

On top of this, there have been reports of sexual harassment charges made against him during his time at the National Restaurant Association.  Both of these negative publicity events are bringing him more attention and awareness, but the question remains - is it the type of awareness that will get  him votes come primary day?  One thing is true, it was handled poorly by his crisis management team as highlighted by this US News & World Report article by Lauren Fox.

For me, the most interesting thing is the deliberateness with which Mark Block takes a drag on the cigarette.  I think it was an attempt to target a certain segment of the population that are heavy smokers.  Also, as Tamara stated in the discussion, "his platform is based on less government and less regulation which may appeal to the smokers who are voters and who feel they should not lose their right to smoke in public places."  Since it isn't Cain in the commercial smoking, I think there would have been minimal damage if they had apologized, aknowledge that smoking in the ad was a bad image (at least for kids) and pulled it.  The sexual harassment charges, not so much.

Someone also mentioned about President Bill Clinton and the negative publicity surrounding his sex scandal.  There are a few differences that should be highlighted.  At the time of the scandal, President Clinton was in his second term of office and essentially a lame duck.  He was not up for re-election, but Vice President Al Gore was the soon-to-be Democratic nominee for the office of President.  The real question for Clinton's sex scandal is how much did it damage Gore's campaign - not only in the negative publicity it generated for Clinton and Democrats as a whole but also in the lack of campaigning that Clinton did for Gore because of the sex scandal.  In an attempt to not taint Gore with the negative publicity of Clinton, did the Democratic party sacrifice the the good publicity and attitudes Clinton may have generated for voters?  We will never know.

Speaking of sex scandals, Adam and Lindsay both discussed Tiger Wood's situation.  I think Lindsay made an excellent point with the comment that those who are idolized and respected by children have the most to lose, hence why Tiger has been more effected by the negative publicity than let's say Kobe Bryant.  I do believe that if Tiger can ever preform his magic on the golf course again, people will forget completely, and he will be back on top, though the negative publicity impacted his Q-Score and his bank balance in a big way.

Abercrombie & Fitch this past spring sold a padded bikini top for young girls that riled up some blogging moms (thanks Amanda for this example!). Did this negative publicity impact the consumers of the bikini tops?  Most likely - not, but who it may have influenced was the moms or the purchasers.  In family situations, the intended user of a product doesn't always have the final say on what is purchased for them to use.  Usually, the purchaser is a parent - maybe a mom - who may agree with the negative publicity that this bikini top was just a bit too grown-up for an 8 year old.

Several of you wrote about the debacle with Toyota and its accelerator, someone mentioned they wouldn't buy a Toyota because of this.  An Op-Ed piece from the New York Times explains that the vast majority of incidents were related to driver error, floor mats or accelerators sticking - not to Toyota and faulty electronics, but this isn't what people remember.  Faultless Wendy's sales floundered for months after the faked finger in the chili incident that received nationwide attention.  Both of these are good examples of how negative - and sometimes untrue or half-true - publicity can have a long term effect on a company.

Amber pointed to the negative press associated with the latest in Netflix business moves as an example of bad publicity not enhancing a company's brand image, increasing customers or building awareness.  The same could be said of the Falcon's as Jasmine mentioned related to Michael Vick.  It took several seasons for the Falcons to rebuild interests after Vick was arrested.  As luck would have it - or bad luck that is - Vick was the focus of the Falcons ticket campaign that season.  Until last year, the Falcons went back to focusing on the team as a whole and resisting placing focus on any single player.  Michael Vick, himself, is an example of someone trying rebuild and remake their brand image.

Someone mentioned about Mel Gibson and Tom Cruise's negative publicity.  In both cases, neither have had very successful projects nor been offered as many since their very public breakdowns.  The negative publicity for both related to their outbursts (Cruise jumping on Oprah's sofa and Gibson using racial slurs while drunk) have damaged their careers - at least in the short term.  On the other hand, Charlie Sheen made a fair bit of money off his public breakdown as did Two and A Half Men gaining ratings during the premier of this season.

I would be remiss if I didn't talk about the Super Bowl Halftime incident of a few years ago involving Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake.  Many in the PR world speculated that it was a publicity stunt meant to drive buzz about Janet and her soon-to-be released CD.  MTV promoted on their webpage earlier in the day - be ready for a shocking halftime.  Shocked we were.  After which the blame game started.

There were five major players in this incident - and the blame ended up squarely, rightly or wrongly, on one of them.  The NFL blamed CBS since the network was in charge of the entertainment.  CBS blamed MTV since it was the "Halftime show presented by MTV," and said there was no 'malfunction' in the halftime show planned as far as they knew.  MTV turned to Justin and Janet - and then placed the official apology in Janet's lap.  She ended up being the one who took the heat (even though she didn't rip the piece off), going on MTV and its website with a recorded message apologizing for the 'malfunction.'  She was subsequently asked to not appear or perform at the Grammy's a few weeks after the SuperBowl where she was scheduled to be part of a tribute and highlight more of her new CD.

Where was Justin in all of this?  He actually apologized on his own through his publicist the night of the SuperBowl.  He then went under ground until the Grammy's, and when he appeared there it was with his mom as his date.  Upon winning, he apologized again.  Why didn't MTV go after him for the more public apology they demanded from Janet?  MTV needed him, he didn't MTV - but Janet did.

Amanda linked an article concerning the post's topic from the American Express Open Forums.  "Is any Publicity Good Publicity?" by John Mariotti is worth a read and summarizes our topic fairly well.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Putting the 'I' in "IMC" - From Support Media to the Internet

The term support media is used to describe a wide variety of ways that marketers can reach a target audience.  Often, support media is used to supplement broadcast and print media by increasing impressions or reaching target audiences that are hard to reach with more traditional media.  Outdoor advertising - including billboards, and branded entertainment are two of the categories found in support media that I want to talk about today.

Billboards - we all see them.  They are geographic-targeting at its best.  As local newspaper and radio consumption falls, billboards still offer marketers a local audience.  Women's marketing Inc.'s website,, not only showcases billboards, but has extensive examples of other out-of-home media encompassing everything from transit advertising to aerials.  They highlight their work on the Yellow Tail wines billboard campaign that utilized color and spectaculars as the means to gain consumer attention.  The Blue Blots blog also highlighted some creative billboards.

Branded entertainment includes product placement, branded integration and advertainment.  Product placement occurs when a brand is placed in any entertainment media including tv shows, movies, music videos and video games.  Typically product placement is paid or barter for by the brand company, but sometimes it is a happy shout-out from the creators to a favorite brand.  A recent example of the later was The Bark's mention on NCIS: Los Angeles that the magazine didn't know about until the show aired.

Jennifer Lopez is seen sipping Coke on American Idol, but in her video I'm Into You, Koma is what she is sipping.

Product Placement News reported that this is one of many product placements for Koma who is integrating ten more into their campaign.  Sadly, they do not showcase their product placements at all on their badly updated website.  They obviously forgot the 'I' in 'IMC.'

The New York Times reported yesterday (October 27, 2011) that ESPN Deportes is premiering a series "El Diez"- it's first scripted show. The show has branded integration with American Airlines, Burger King, Chevrolet, Coors Light, and HomeDepot.  These brands have staring roles in the show's storyline. Chevrolet and Coors were interested in the opportunity to work with the show's creators to have the brand integration more organic and natural for the viewer. 

Also included in branded entertainment is advertainment. One classic example of advertainment BMW's The Hire films. They starred Clive Owen as a James Bondish character and highlighted the performance of BMW within the context of a short film plot. Recognizable directors (Ang Lee, Guy Ritchie) and actors (Madonna, Gary Owen, Marilyn Manson) participated in the films. BMW took the films down when they changed ad campaigns and agencies. You can watch them on YouTube - because someone ripped them for us :) - abmwfan.  One of my favorites is Hostage directed by John Woo.

Some current examples of advertainment include the websites of Crayola and Doritos. These two brands have integrated their advertainment into their IMC.

Direct Marketing is another part of the promotion mix that extensively utilizes integration. Let's take a look at Empire Today. In their commercials, they integrate tv advertising with a direct marketing component (call -1-800-588-2300).  Once you call the 1-800 number they will connect you with a sales person to learn more about their products in your home. It's easy to measure success of direct marketing by the number of responses you receive from a particular direct marketing effort. 

Several of you used examples that integrated the internet/interactive component of the promotion mix with other components.  Caitlin brought up the use of e-mail as a method of direct marketing - which integrates the two.  Many companies ask us to sign up for their mailing lists offering us either the option to 'opt in' or 'opt out' of receiving email from them and other parties they sell our emails addresses to.

Jordan mentioned Super Bowl commercials and that their true impact extends beyond broadcast during the game on TV.  Many people will watch the commercials on-line again after the game.  At over $2 million dollars for a 30-second spot, the true value is in how much are you talked about after the game. Is your commercial mentioned in social media and linked?  The internet provides a way for advertisers to get potentially exponential bang-for-their buck.  GoDaddy does a particularly good job of integrating its commercial creation process into its blogs and website.  For a commentary on how Steve Jobs and Apple changed Super Bowl advertising, read this FoxNews article.

Amanda posted and commented about a video "How the Internet is Changing Advertising" by Epipheo Studios.

Tiffany and Kimberly brought up the importance of the changes between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0.  In Web 1.0 we were consumers of information that companies put on the web, but by the time Web 2.0 came around, we were no longer passive informations receivers.  Collaboration and creation are the forces behind Web 2.0 and consumers new interactions with brands.  Let's return to the Doritos' website and look at their 'Crash the Super Bowl' campaign.  Here consumers are asked to create ads for Doritos - and this isn't their first time with this concept.  You may remember this Super Bowl ad created by consumers from this year:

Marci mentioned the increase usage of YouTube by advertisers.  Doritos has a YouTube site that integrates its Crash the Super Bowl campaign into its YouTube channel.  YouTube offers marketers a place for consumers to see commercial advertisements as well as how-to videos and behind-the-scenes content.  Zyrtec used YouTube as a channel for its Parks Unleashed campaign. The campaign included games and contests.

Collaboration and consumer creation of content isn't always a bed of roses for a company.  When something goes wrong into today's social media driven world, it can go viral very quickly.  Tamara discussed how Delta's baggage charges of returning soldiers quickly went viral.  Here's the original YouTube video:

11Alive reported on the incident, and AirTran used it as a way to get good publicity by its policy.  The link has several videos connected to the article and how social media effected the spread of the news.

I'll leave you with a video about social media and how it is changing our world - marketing and otherwise:

Friday, October 7, 2011

2-page Magazine ads

I found this great blog/magazine with a bunch of examples of effective and innovative use of a 2-page magazine spread.  Many have an element that must be added to the magazine (like a pull cord), but many accomplish being unique without any added cost. 

Take a look - I have to admit I think the wonder bra one is both hilarious and a great example of demonstration.

#1AdTrend magazine's - effective 2-page magazine ads article

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Heineken and The Most Interesting Man in the World

I wanted to provide you some links for the Heineken ad I spoke about in the Test 2 Review podcast.  Here it is:

And here is Dos Equis:

Commercials galore!

After reading your posts for Chapter 11, I wanted to share with all of you my thoughts about some of the ones you chose.  I've provided youtube links, but be aware they can get broken at any time.

Let's start off with one from 2011's Super Bowl commercials - Chrysler:

This commercial left me speechless when I first saw it.  First off, Eminem doing a commercial was surprising to begin with but given the content of the commercial I can see why he would.  This commercial is an emotional appeal that focuses very little on the product and more on 'made in Detroit.'  Inherent drama is created because until the end you aren't sure what the product is or even what the commercial was about.  The ad was cut down from its original 60 second to 30 and 15 second.  On Chrysler's youtube page, you can get some behind the scenes footage from the making of the commercial.

I had never seen the Kate Walsh Cadillac CTS ads that a student mention, and I hate that I missed them!  They are a great example of positioning based on product user.  Here's two ads that a fan posted on youtube:

In both these ads, they paint the picture of a successful woman who most likely works in a "man's" field.  The first commercial does mention the attributes/benefits of the car, but the end is all about the emotion appeal - winning at the take-off.

Transformational ads show us how a product can take us away from our everyday world and transform us.  Perhaps the best example of this is the Corona Extra ads that have been playing lately:

Here's another one:

Both of these ads focus on how Corona can take you away - transform you, so you feel carefree - like you are on the beach.  Listen carefully to the background - what is missing?  If you said, "music," you would be correct.  The sound of the waves crashing is the soundtrack for Corona.  The first ad also has a bit of the 'slice of life' execution style as a part of it as well.

Let's look at two travel sites - Priceline and Expedia.
Priceline has used William Shatner as their spokesperson for some time now, with various characters coming and going.  The latest - Naomi Pryce:

Here's another of their latest commercials:

Clearly, Priceline is positioning itself against the competition - but it never mentions the competition - just the other travel sites that took advantage of the poor man in a trench coat.  The commercial also mentions Naomi Pryce last - to remind consumers of what is different about Priceline - their USP.

Expedia focuses more on its benefits in its commercials:

Pauley Perrette is the actress hired by Expedia - she is Abby from NCIS.  Last year she had a reported Q Score of 50 (the same as Tom Hanks and Morgan Freeman - who topped the list) but only a familiarity percentage of 42.  What does that mean?  It means, not as many people know who she is compared to Hanks and Freeman - but those that do know her, love her.  Shortly after the Q Scores were published, she got the endorsement deal with Expeida.  If you want to read more, check out Entertainment Weekly's Pop Watch article.

Here's another Expedia commercial:

Expedia, like Priceline, has used a celebrity to market them, used a humor appeal and positioned themselves using the competition - but the execution is drastically different.  Expedia focuses much more on the attributes and benefits while Priceline focuses more on humor and their USP of 'name your own price.'

Let's look at one company - Covergirl - and how it uses celebrities to target different demographic market segments   In all cases, the product is positioned by user with benefits/attributes being used as well.  The commercials are also good examples of the combination of informational/emotional combination appeals.

This ad also utilized demonstration.  It uses Drew Barrymore's appeals to a wide age range of women.

Now, Taylor Swift is telling us about lipstick while targeting a younger tween/teen market for Covergirl.

Now, Ellen is targeting a 40-something target market for Covergirl.  What does it say about American culture and how it has changed that a lesbian is a 'covergirl?'  Covergirl and Olay have teamed up to offer products to deal with aging.  There are many other examples of Covergirl targeting different ethnic markets using female celebrities such as Queen Latifah.

Let's close our run down of commercials by looking at the latest from Kohls and Sears.

Kohl's has teamed up with the Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez couple.  Previously, they have hooked up with designers such as Vera Wang.  Now, let's look at what Sears is doing:

Sears is following Target (who first used celebrity designers to set itself apart from other mass merchandisers - WalMart) and Kohl's in using celebrities.  The softer side of Sears - sears style - will hopefully find some takers with the Kardashians.

Sears is also using a seasonal push to highlight it's USP amongst department stores - layaway:

I hope you enjoyed all the commercials.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sharpie's IMC and Old Navy goes Mobile

I found a couple of interesting articles I thought I would share that were related to class.

We've talked a lot about IMC - integrating all our communications together so that they support the brand and the campaign we're creating.  Here is a great example of a company, Sharpie, using IMC to maximize impact on their digital - youtube:
Sharpie on YouTube grabs 62 million impressions 

We've also talked about the growing importance of the mobile market.  This article highlights the latest Old Navy mobile campaign on Pandora Radio.  If a listener clicks on the Old Navy ad, they are taken to a mobile friendly Old Navy website.  One of the keys they stressed was being prepared with a site designed for mobile phones if you are targeted phone users.
Old Navy Drives Mobile Sales for Fall Collection via Targeted Ad

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Episode 3

This week we’ll take a look at a few major advertising agencies, look at a day-in-the-life of a brand manager and learn about some of the changes in consumer behavior both in the US and globally connected to social media. 
P&G and Unilever are two companies that use a decentralized, brand management structure.  You can read and watch videos about P&G employees, including their brand managers here.  Businessweek did an article on a day-in-the-life of a brand manager a few years ago.  Take a look at what Brand Manager Levin had for breakfast as well as the rest of his day here.
Below are links to four different full-service advertising agencies.  Take a look around their sites, and see not only how they market different but how they are based on different philosophies:
Leo Burnett – It’s all about the big pencil, the big idea – Mr. Burnett created the idea of inherent drama in ads – something that draws us in and gets our attention.  You will know him best as the creator of the Marlboro cowboy.
David Ogilvy started Ogilvy & Mather.  Mr. Ogilvy believed in uniform branding and creating memorable images.  Notice the differences in this website compared to Burnett’s.
Saatchi & Saatchi has built their brand around the idea of ‘Lovemarks.’  The CEO wrote a book about Lovemarks – branding and loyalty beyond what we normally think of.  It’s all about consumers emotionally connecting to brands.
Barkley is a different kind of ad agency.  They are employee owned and focus on honesty in what they do.  Watch the video on the homepage about what they stand for.  Is it different than the other agencies you visited? – you bet!
This is the link for the major advertising awards:  Cannes Lion awards -
Here's links to the articles talking about consumer behavior related to social media:
Are you ready for some Fantasy Football? - check this article out at AdAge

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Episode 2 - try 2!

Reloading podcast 2 for iTunes to see if it works.

Sorry for the confusion - you can still right click the link above.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chapters 1 & 2 and some creative advertising

Hitting some high spots in Chapter 1 & 2 then diving into some marketing and advertising events and articles.
IMC is the foundation of this course 
“One look, one voice” - it’s all about branding across all this platforms with a uniform message, them and feel.  All the contact points with consumer should have the same brand feel.
Technology perspective 1-1
Key stat - average consumer
2000 - 30 minutes on-line
2010 - 4 hours on-line
If you look at this in regard to IMC, interactive/internet was a complimentary, even secondary player.  In 2011, this is not true.  Expenditure on internet/interactive advertising has drastically increased.
Web 2.0 - what it is.
85% of Americans own mobile phones.  Many of us consider them an integral part of our lives - especially smart phones.  
If you are looking for the next trend in technology related to advertising - your book suggest e-Readers, but I’m going to suggest tablets - like the iPad.  
I’m using my iPad to find articles for the class through a free on-line magazine aggregator called “Zite.”  Flipboard, Pulse and Editions are other similar on-line magazine/aggregator services.
Chapter 2
Psychographic segmentation:
VALS - take the survey yourself,
Prizm - you can type your zip code into their database and it will tell you the lifestyle groups that live in your area.  

Perspective 2-1
Woman 5 trillion in spending power in the US
55 billion in tech expenditures 
90 billion in electronics expenditures
85% of household spending under women’s control
Women’s roles have in society have changed.  Dell put together a site for women called Della in 2009.
    • It was taken down within 10 days
    • Seen as condescending by women
    • “Tech tips” - were about cooking, recipes and health - nothing tech there.
The lesson - do your research
Here’s some links about Della:
Now, let’s talk some current events
Dunkin Donuts has a new campaign following up on our the 2010 Ultimate Coffee Fan search. 
      • Think in terms of - “one look, one voice”
    Burger King has ditched the King mascot - a nightmare ender for many of us.
    Millennial media SMART report - their 50th about the mobile marketing industry.
    Mobile advertising figures, examples, and some idea of trends.
    Now, let’s look at some fun and innovative advertisements and promotions that are out there:
      • Heineken has an occasionally perfect billboard - featuring bands doing short sets.
      • From the “Ads of the World” site we have one from Cashmere - recycling, a good thing.
      • The “I can be creative” website offers up 200 creative and innovative ads for enjoyment.
      • And just when you thought benches were boring, some brands are using them in a creative way to startle you and get your attention.

    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    MKTG 4650 - so it begins - an Introduction!

    This podcast covers a few basic thing about our online course:

    • My introduction
    • Walk through of the syllabus
    • Where things are on our GaView webpage
    • Important industry websites:
    My husband, Shane, and I on our honeymoon